Business and Human Rights Fora: OECD MNE Guidelines Reforms and Reflections

Time: July 9, 2024 (Tuesday) 15:00-17:00 Taipei time

Location: online meeting (zoom)


  • Marian G. Ingrams|Director, OECD Watch
  • (More speakers are being confirmed)


  • Eeling Chiu|Executive Director, Amnesty International Taiwan

Registration: (Registration is open until July 8th 12 p.m. or until the quota is full)

Language: Mainly in English, with simultaneous interpretation in Chinese


  • Amnesty International Taiwan
  • Covenants Watch
  • Taiwan Transnational Corporations Watch (TTNC Watch)

Continuing the discussion of the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) in the first lecture, the second lecture expands the regional scope and focuses on the efforts of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in establishing a set of international standards and solutions to address social, economic and environmental development and challenges, and provide sustainable development recommendations to multinational enterprises. As early as 1976, the OECD proposed the “Multinational Enterprise Guidelines” (MNE Guidelines) to formulate a code of conduct for large multinational enterprises. In this guideline, the OECD proposes “responsible business conduct” that enterprises should abide by, aiming to expect all enterprises, regardless of size, to avoid and resolve the negative impacts of their operations and contribute to the sustainable development of the region.

In 2023, the OECD released an updated version of the MNE Guidelines, which is the biggest change since the 2011 revision. The new version of the guidelines reviewed the rapid political, economic and social changes faced by multinational enterprises in the past decade, and integrated the experience and reflections of the guidelines in practice in various countries. Continuing the old version of the guidelines, the new version also emphasizes “risk-based due diligence” and expects companies to identify, prevent and mitigate negative human rights impacts. In addition, the new version of the guidelines still expects member states to set up a multilateral, transnational, non-judicial complaint mechanism – National Contact Point (NCP). Besides promoting MNE Guidelines within member states, NCP is for people to file complaints against corporate violations. After NCP evaluates the complaint, it may reach a consensus between both parties through non-adversarial procedures such as reconciliation or mediation; it will also continue to follow up after the case is over to confirm whether the agreement has been completed.

In the second lecture of the business and human rights fora, we invite Marian G. Ingrams from OECD Watch to share her experiences and reflections on OECD MNE Guidelines. Another speaker is under the confirmation process. If you are interested in how OECD guides enterprises to implement responsible business conduct or how people can file complaints against corporate behaviors, please join us in this lecture!


時間:2024年7月9日(二)15:00-17:00 台北時間



  • Marian G. Ingrams|經濟合作暨發展組織觀察 (OECD Watch) 主任
  • (更多講者確認中)


  • 邱伊翎|國際特赦組織台灣分會秘書長

報名: (報名從即日起至7/8中午12點或額滿為止)



  • 國際特赦組織台灣分會
  • 人權公約施行監督聯盟
  • Taiwan Transnational Corporations Watch (TTNC Watch)

延續本系列講座第一場針對歐盟《企業永續盡職調查指令》的討論,第二場講座將區域範圍擴大,關注經濟合作暨發展組織(簡稱OECD)與跨國、跨區域的政府與公民社會合作,以建立一套應對社會、經濟和環境發展與挑戰的國際標準與解決方案,並對跨國企業提出可持續發展的建議。早在1976年,OECD便提出《多國籍企業指導綱領》(簡稱MNE Guidelines),針對大型跨國企業制定行為準則。在這系列指導綱領中,OECD提出企業應遵守的「負責任商業行為」(responsible business conduct),旨在期許所有企業,無論規模,均應避免並解決其營運行為造成的負面影響,並為企業所在區域的永續發展作出貢獻。

2023年,OECD推出MNE Guidelines更新版,是繼2011年修訂後最大的一次變革。新版綱領回顧了跨國企業在過去十年面臨政治、經濟與社會的快速變遷,並整合綱領在各國實踐的經驗與省思。延續舊版綱領的準則,新版綱領同樣強調「基於風險的盡職調查」(risk-based due diligence),期待企業應辨識、防免與減緩負面人權影響。另外,新版綱領仍然期許成員國設置一個多邊、跨國的非司法申訴機制-「國家聯絡點」(National Contact Point,簡稱NCP),功能除了是在成員國內推廣MNE Guidelines,更重要的是供人民就企業違反綱領的情形提出申訴。NCP評估申訴後,可能透過和解或調解等非對抗性的程序達成雙方共識;在案件結束後也會持續跟進,確認協議內容是否完成。

在企業與人權系列的第二場講座,我們邀請經濟合作暨發展組織觀察(OECD Watch)主任Marian G. Ingrams分享其在推動與監督綱領落實的經驗與省思,同時也正在接洽另一位國際講者一起交換意見。如果你想知道OECD如何指導企業進行負責任商業行為,以及人民如何針對企業行為提出申訴,歡迎報名本次講座!

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