【Workshop】International Legislative Trends of Modern Slavery and Forced Labor

Many people still find the concepts of “modern slavery” and “forced labor” to be vague. Although domestic laws such as the Labor Standards Act, Employment Service Act, and Human Trafficking Prevention Act include relevant regulations, and the International Labour Organization (ILO) has outlined 11 Indicators of Forced Labor as reference points for identification, the general public struggles to fully grasp their implications.

With current international developments, the European Union (EU) passed the EU Forced Labour Regulation (EUFLR) on May 2, 2024, aiming to protect labor rights. In fact, from the early movements against sweatshops to the more recent legislation in Europe and the U.S. aimed at eradicating modern slavery and forced labor, the obligation for corporations to prevent human rights abuses has become an international trend.

In this workshop, Taiwan Labour Front and TTNC Watch have invited Professor Lee Chien-Hung from the Department of Labor and Human Resources at Chinese Culture University to analyze the legislative trends on modern slavery and forced labor globally. This analysis will serve as a reference for future advocacy efforts related to domestic legislation and corporate human rights monitoring actions.

Date: October 14, 2024 (Monday)

Location: Tò-uat Bookstore (No. 3-1, Zhenjiang St., Taipei)

Speaker: Professor Lee Chien-Hung, Department of Labor and Human Resources, Chinese Culture University

Organizer: Taiwan Labor Front, TTNC Watch

Registration Formhttps://forms.gle/fiWm1aW9Gp468teaA


Time Agenda Duration
13:40-14:00 Registration 20min
14:00-14:15 Organizer’s Introduction and Participant Self-Introductions 15min
14:15-15:00 International Legislative Trends of Modern Slavery and Forced Labor(Part I) 45min
15:00-15:10 Break 10min
15:10-16:50 International Legislative Trends of Modern Slavery and Forced Labor(Part II) 40min
16:50-16:15 Experience Sharing and Future Actions 25min
16:15-16:25 Conclusion 10min
16:15-16:25 Group Photo and Conclusion 10min








主辦單位:台灣勞工陣線、TTNC Watch



時間 議程 時長
13:40-14:00 報到 20min
14:00-14:15 主辦單位說明計畫和參會者自我介紹 15min
14:15-15:00 現代奴隸及強迫勞動之國際立法趨勢(上) 45min
15:00-15:10 休息及茶敘 10min
15:10-16:50 現代奴隸及強迫勞動之國際立法趨勢(下) 40min
16:50-16:15 經驗交流與未來行動 25min
16:15-16:25 工作坊結論 10min
16:15-16:25 合影及結束 10min
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