Business and Human Rights Fora III: Human Rights Impact Assessment– A Key Tool for Assessing Corporate Human Rights Responsibilities 

Time: August 6, 2024 (Tuesday) 15:00-17:00 Taipei time

Location: online meeting (zoom)


  • Tulika Bansal|Former member of Human Rights Impact Assessment team, Danish Institute for Human Rights (DIHR)


  • Song-Lih Huang|Director, Policy Center, Covenants Watch

Registration: (Registration is open until August 5th 12 p.m. or until the quota is full)

Language: Primarily English, with simultaneous interpretation in Chinese


  • Covenants Watch
  • Amnesty International Taiwan
  • Taiwan Transnational Corporations Watch (TTNC Watch)

Significant developments have emerged in global governance frameworks for regulating corporate behaviors. These include the adoption of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) in 2011, the revision of the OECD’s Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises (MNE Guidelines) and Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Business Conduct,  the issuance of the EU’s “Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive” in 2024, ongoing negotiations surrounding a UN binding treaty on Business and Human Rights (BHR), and the enactment of national legislation by numerous countries addressing human rights and environmental standards. Consequently, enterprises are increasingly confronted with heightened expectations pertaining to governance excellence, the responsibility of respecting human rights, and the imperative to eliminate or mitigate adverse impacts on both society and the environment.

  1. For enterprises: Implementing appropriate Human Rights Impact Assessments (HRIA) as a fundamental approach to systematically identify, prevent and mitigate adverse impacts of their operations on human rights.
  2. For governments: Effective regulations and guidelines to ensure companies conduct HRIA.
  3. For civil society: Evaluating the effectiveness of enterprises’ HRIA in addressing potential human rights impacts and using HRIA findings to monitor and hold enterprises accountable for their human rights responsibilities.

In this lecture, we invite Ms. Tulika Bansal from the HRIA team of the Danish Institute for Human Rights (DIHR) to introduce HRIA in detail, and explain how HRIA can effectively assist companies in fulfilling their human rights responsibility through case analysis. Ms. Tulika Bansal has extensive practical experience in impact assessment, and is committed to integrating such assessment with environmental, social, health, land, indigenous people, biodiversity and gender knowledge. She will provide valuable insights on how to better understand and apply HRIA.


時間:2024年8月6日 (二) 15:00-17:00 台北時間



  • Tulika Bansal|前丹麥國家人權機構人權影響評估小組成員


  • 黃嵩立|人權公約施行監督聯盟政策中心主任

報名: (報名從即日起至8/5中午12點或額滿為止)




  • 人權公約施行監督聯盟
  • 國際特赦組織台灣分會
  • Taiwan Transnational Corporations Watch (TTNC Watch)


從2011年聯合國通過《工商企業與人權指導原則》(UNGPs)、OECD依此修正《多國籍企業準則》(MNE Guildline)與《負責任商業行為盡責管理指南》(Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Business Conduct)、再到2024歐盟《企業永續盡職調查義務指令》(CSDDD) 與協商中之聯合國企業與人權條約(binding treaty on BHR),加之多個國家立法制定企業須遵循之人權與環境標準,在在要求企業必須善治,負起尊重人權之責任,消弭或減輕對社會與環境等面向之負面衝擊。

  1. 企業:對企業而言,執行適當的HRIA是識別、預防和減輕其活動對人權負面影響的必要途徑。
  2. 政府:政府需要掌握如何有效規範和指導企業進行HRIA。
  3. 公民社會:公民社會則需要評估企業所執行的HRIA是否充分涵蓋潛在的人權影響,並善用HRIA結果來監督企業履行人權責任。

本次活動特邀曾任職於丹麥國家人權機構(Danish Institute for Human Rights, DIHR)HRIA小組的Tulika Bansal女士,為我們詳細解說HRIA的具體步驟,並透過案例分析闡述HRIA如何有效協助企業履行人權義務。Bansal女士有豐富的實務經驗在影響力評估,並致力於將評估結合環境、社會、健康、土地、原住民、生物多樣性、性別等知識,將會為與會者提供寶貴的洞見,幫助各方更好地理解和應用HRIA這一重要工具。

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