Business and Human Rights Fora|Promotion and impact of the EU’s “Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD)”

Date: June 6, 2024 (Thursday) 19:00-21:00 Taiwan Time

Location: Online (Zoom)


  • Sylvia Obregon Quiroz | Policy Officer, European Coalition for Corporate Justice (ECCJ)
  • Gaëlle Dusepulchre | Deputy Director, Business, Human Rights and Environment Desk, International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH)


  • Song-Lih Huang|Director, Policy Center, Covenants Watch



  • Covenants Watch
  • Amnesty International Taiwan
  • Taiwan Transnational Corporations Watch (TTNC Watch)

Following two years of negotiation, the European Parliament passed the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD), which was proposed by the European Commission in 2022. This directive integrates soft norms like the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises into EU law. It further mandates that large companies, both domestic and multinational, carry out mandatory due diligence on human rights and environmental issues, with penalties for non-compliance.

As one of the world’s largest economies, the EU’s move represents a significant step towards eliminating human rights abuses, forced labor, and environmental harm in global supply chains. For Taiwanese companies closely involved in EU trade and supply chains, this development will certainly have significant implications.

We’re pleased to welcome Sylvia Obregon Quiroz from the European Coalition for Corporate Justice (ECCJ) and Gaëlle Dusepulchre from the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) to share their insights on the challenges faced in advocating for the CSDDD and its potential impact on Asian and Taiwanese companies post-implementation. If you’re keen to learn more about how this upcoming directive will affect supply chains or simply interested in business and human rights issues in general, we invite you to join our forum on Promotion and impact of the EU’s “Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD)”

Let’s explore the implications of directive implementation together with key advocates ECCJ and FIDH!


企業與人權系列講座| 歐盟《企業永續盡職調查義務指令》推動歷程與後續影響


  • 立法過程面臨的挑戰
  • 指令通過後對亞洲與臺灣企業的潛在影響
  • 與推動指令的關鍵倡議團體成員一同思考指令實施後的未來走向!
Sylvia Obregon Quiroz|歐洲企業正義聯盟 (ECCJ)政策專員
Gaëlle Dusepulchre|國際人權聯盟(FIDH)企業、人權與環境議題團隊副主任
人權公約施行監督聯盟、國際特赦組織台灣分會、台灣跨國企業監察(TTNC Watch)


歐盟《企業永續盡職調查義務指令》(Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive, CSDDD)自2022年歐盟委員會提出,歷時兩年的談判與修改,2024年4月24日獲得歐洲議會通過。這項指令是將聯合國《工商企業與人權指導原則》(UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, UNGPs)、經濟合作暨發展組織《多國籍企業指導綱領》(OECD Guidelines For Multinational Enterprises)等軟性規範納入歐盟層級的法律,進而要求國內外營運的大企業實施強制性人權和環境盡職調查,未遵守者則會受到問責。


我們邀請歐洲兩大倡議團體成員European Coalition for Coporate Justice(ECCJ)的Sylvia Obregon Quiroz和International Federation for Human Rights(FIDH)的Gaëlle Dusepulchre,分享各自在推動CSDDD立法過程中所面臨的挑戰,以及指令通過後對亞洲與臺灣企業的潛在影響。如果您對企業與人權議題感興趣,並且希望深入了解這項即將對供應鏈產生影響的指令,我們邀請您參加我們舉辦的「歐盟《企業永續盡職調查義務指令》推動歷程與後續影響」講座。與推動指令通過的關鍵要角ECCJ和FIDH一起,共同思考指令實施後的未來走向!

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