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about us

Taiwan Transnational Corporations Watch.

We are a coalition of seven human rights, labour rights and environmental organisations based in Taiwan. 

Our Mission

Our mission is to ensure that Taiwanese corporations respect human rights, the environment and climate wherever they operate and throughout their value chains.

What we do


TTNC Watch seeks to conduct country-specific, industry-specific, and company-specific research to expose the true impact of Taiwanese businesses and financial flow around the world. TTNC Watch will also delve into legal studies to better understand what legal and policy tools need to be put in place to advance businesses’ respect for human rights, the environment and the climate, and to hold perpetrators accountable.


TTNC Watch will continue the work its member organisations have already been doing in the past years and monitor closely the development of national laws and policies relevant to ensuring that Taiwanese businesses respect human rights, the environment and the climate in their operations abroad and through their supply chains, including Taiwan’s National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights, first adopted in December 2020 and set to be renewed in 2024. TTNC Watch will advocate for mandatory human rights and environmental due diligence requirements.

International solidarity

TTNC Watch seeks to build connections and solidarity with regional and international partners to jointly advance corporate accountability worldwide. It will also participate in regional and international forums and campaigns on business and human rights as much as possible to provide Taiwan’s perspective on the matter and to ensure that it is working in concert with the global movement.

Raising awareness

TTNC Watch will hold seminars and workshops to raise awareness on business obligations to respect human rights and the environment and to expose past and ongoing cases of corporate abuses relevant to the Taiwanese context. Audience-specific seminars and workshops will be designed to ensure that policymakers are continuously reminded of their obligation to regulate Taiwanese business activities and that affected groups and communities are keenly aware of their rights and potential channels for seeking remedy.

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